Blog posts of '2019' 'May'

The Pursuit of Dopamine
The Pursuit of Dopamine

 Author: Kiera Donna Laike, IRW

As we move through the ecliptic I trust a few of you are able to understand what has interfered with the energetic ev...

Relationship To Others
Relationship To Others

Author: Kiera Donna Laike, IRW

When one thinks of relationship the first thing that comes to most people’s minds is what others do to them in relatio...

What Would You Do to Not Fail?
What Would You Do to Not Fail?

Author: Kiera D. Laike, IRW

The concept of failure was put into human experience via the concept of success. Once the concept that one must amass mon...

Money Is the Root of All Evil
Money Is the Root of All Evil

Author: Kiera Donna Laike, IRW

Success: The Blind Restriction

Since quantum physics pronounced all is vibration frequency, we have opened to how vib...