The information presented in this blog came to me first via my sensing. I am Kiera Donna Laike, founder of the Sensology Institute. Sensing is a complete way of understanding all things - beyond intuition or cognition. In Sensology we hold a knowing that comes via one’s sensing which emerges out of one’s energetic development.
I have supported all who have contracted the virus on an energetic level, and supported all in understanding its origins. I have been here offering energetic development so all can meet, sense and know ‘what is’; The virus was designed to hurt us.
The information in this blog has emerged from my meeting what is. Where references are cited, my sensing was verified by a researcher.
The Milky Way Galaxy is not yet fully evolved (not fully developed). I know this through my sensing and many other means. But some of you may wake up to what is in the galaxy through the following information.
The Milky Way will begin to merge with Andromeda Galaxy, which is a halo galaxy. If the Milky Way has not finished evolving into a halo galaxy prior to this event – lets just say on a soul consciousness level – there will be great suffering.
It is time for us to stop and look at what is. Not ‘what if’.
‘What is’…
is energetic development. Evolve by 13 Stages can aid everyone and was given by the Milky Way to support human evolution (which, is directly tied to the Milky Way Galaxy’s evolution.)
Begin to deal with what is and, over time, unleash true potential, not a pretend one.
‘What is’…
not ‘what if’, will change the face of the coronavirus.
What is…
Fear of COVID-19 is due to the human population facing something, without our energetic development, something that was brought into being to reduce the population and change the human genome. Not in a positive evolutionary direction.
What is…
in each form a soul must energetically develop (evolve) this very evolution outlined in the 13 Energetic Stages of development, dictate one’s connection to the pulse fields ( the fabric of space). Without it, humans continue to devolve.
What is…
in light of a review of human history, there is not much to reset to in this time of silence. If each looks outwards for answers - for most do not have the capacity to look in – then in the end, history will repeat itself.
Believing that the release of the virus is here to help us – because families are spending time together again (yet the video gaming sites all have been crashing), or believing that because, with all of China shutting down, the sky is clearing so they can see blue sky again, or reducing travel because it reduces pollution - may be comforting, but without energetic development, the virus still alters the human genome.
People do not have what the body, brain and soul need to ‘stop,’ maintain social distancing, and stay home. Their hypothalamus pituitary axis is waiting for the “all clear” which has not come, so the diencephalon part of their brains is in a neural inflammatory state.
Mandated restrictions on the population, has been the response to the Coronavirus – yet this leaves most sitting around waiting for this to pass. It will change nothing. Human energetic development will slowly allow humans to evolve, living connected, free of disease, knowing who, what and why we are all here.
Don’t wait.
Four Phases of the Virus CoViD-19
As all aspects of four, we will move through with our sensing.
Phase 1: Keep Clear
The Coronavirus is novel because the shell of the coronavirus is lipid, not protein.
What this means is wear gloves. The virus is passed via touch. It sticks to clothes, products, money, phones, etc.
Solutions to wipe: H2O2, alcohol, (not anti-bacterial)1
Clean frequently used surfaces & items with soap, alcohol-based cleaners (70% alcohol), hydrogen peroxide, colloidal silver, home-made vinegar+ anti-viral essential oils like oregano oil, (bleach not advised if lung compromised) 1 if items or people or friends are in and out of your home.
Washing in hot water with a “grease cutting” soap or detergent – Persil ProClean voted best grease cutting laundry soap.
- Rely on our own defenses -
Soap effectively “kills” (dismantles) the virus. Antibacterial agents (e.g., Triclosan), don’t kill the virus, but will impair your “Barrier Defense” potentially leaving open spaces for COVID-19 penetration. 1
No hand sanitizer.
Barrier Defense: The body is covered with a dense layer of friendly organisms (bacterial and viruses) which “crowd out” pathogens. Removing your microbiome with antibacterial wipes or hand sanitizers (Triclosan) can leave you at greater risk of infections.1
Phase 1 Targeted Supplements to Keep Clear
Take 1,000 mg of Vitamin C
- Liposomal Vitamin-C – want it to be liposomal, check the labels when buying
- Or, Metagenics Ultra Potent-C (
- Once Daily
Colloidal Silver (Phase 1 Dose)
- Adults: 20 drops, two times a day
- Children (under 100 lbs.): 10 drops, two times a day
Note: only take if the colloidal silver is clear, if it is not clear it is not colloidal silver.
This is most helpful for people with bad bacteria in their gut. Dysbiosis (aka more bad bacteria than good) makes one walk around with higher inflammatory markers. This makes it easy for the virus to enter the tissue.
Oil Flush CoViD-19 out of the back of throat
- First flush nasal cavities with saline spray
- Then do oil pulling: 1 TBSP oil swished and gargled in mouth (about 1 – 2 min).Can use coconut, sesame seed, or olive oil. Or Banyan Botanicals Daily Swish:
Sensology Suggestions for oil pulling: add ½ - 1 tsp at a time, swish for 5 – 10 seconds, then add a little more at a time, swishing with saliva until you get enough to gargle in the back of your throat where the CoViD-19 hangs. Then spit the oil out in the trash or the coveted toilet paper (the comic relief of this time).* Total gargling time about 1 – 2 minutes.
* Sensology Suggestions if oil pulling cannot be tolerated: gargling with vinegar and salt water will aid in pulling the virus out as well.
- 2 oz water
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon vinegar
Note: Viral membrane made of lipids (fats) —“lipid envelope”— rendering the virus lipophilic (e.g., drawn towards fats/oils) Oil pulling shown to be more effective than chlorhexidine at cleaning the mouth [Asokan 2008]1
- Do this after you return home from contact, shopping, work, etc.
- If your throat is sore, or you sense you may have been exposed, do this morning & night.
Zinc 10-15mg1
- 3x/day after meals1
- Inhibits viral replication. 1
- Use lozenges, most helpful in initial days of infection when COVID is replicating in upper respiratory tract (mouth/throat). Picolinate or oxide forms least effective; Zn carnosine maybe a great option. Take with copper (5:1 ratio Zn:Cu) unless you have cancer, when skipping copper due to its ability to promote angiogenesis. Take with food in your belly to prevent nausea side effect. 1
Product Link:
Melatonin – blood levels predicted who contracted the virus even when exposed. (various concentrations and options, pick what works best for your needs)
Phase 1 Dose
- Adults: start with 1 mg at night and build up to 7-10mg
- Children: start with 1 mg at night and build up to 2-3mg
If melatonin keeps you up, take your dose in the morning.
L-Lysine 500 – 750 mg
NOTE: only people that are immunocompromised or on the front line of treating CoViD-19 patients need this.
- 2-3x/day
- Consider higher range if you are in at-risk group. Potential synergistic effect combined with green tea and vitamin C.
Phase 1What Only Sensology Offers: Sensology Basic PracticeHumans possess the potential to meet this virus from their own field strength. What activates this ability is taught and offered through Sensology Basic Practice and the 13 Stages of Human Energetic Development. Viruses are energetic entities in nature. Let us meet this virus with our energetic development. |
Attend class weekly on Mondays @ 7 PM (ET). Link for $7 Payment & Class Signup Form - |
Phase 2
As we keep clear, we release fear. During Phase 2 the virus is asymptomatic, so we are in our Sensology Practice in our knowing if we have contracted CoViD-19 yet.
Phase 2What Only Sensology Offers: Sensology Basic PracticeBeing in Basic Practice aids the immune response not being fooled. Viruses are energetic in nature for they interface with spiraling DNA. Therefore, viruses are energetic entities. Let us meet this one with our energetic development. |
Attend class weekly on Mondays @ 7 PM (ET). Link for $7 Payment & Class Signup Form - |
Phase 3
Space In Between – love and support your fever
Fever lets you know your body is moving to fight the virus. Let it, at this level.
Stay under warm covers, change damp clothes and bedding often.
Sip hot beverages. Best ones are green tea or bone broth.
Wear wool sweaters or socks
Note: if worried about children’s high fevers, put wet wool socks on feet (room-temp water), this aids in keeping their core brain temperature down.
Sip water with minerals and electrolytes. At least 36 oz per day. (resource: Minerals of Life 4x )
It is best not to take anything for the fever, but if one cannot take the pain, only use Tylenol. No NSAIDs, they further the spread of virus.
The virus enters your cells via 2 pathways
(1) ACE-2 cell receptors , TMPRSS2 aids the ACE2 in the virus entering the cell membrane
(2) Viroporins
The entry via 2 pathways delays the immune response.
Do not eat foods high in arginine. Arginine aids the virus in coupling to cells.
- Nuts & seeds
- Meats
- Legumes
- Seaweed
Phase 3 Active Targeted Supplements
Melatonin – upping the dose from keep clear dose to active dose (various concentrations and options, pick what works best for your needs)
- 10-12 mg at night.
- Do not take if it keeps you up. Rest is needed to heal.
Begin taking:
UltraGI Replenish (
- ½ scoop daily
UltraFlora Immune Booster (
- 1 capsule at night
- Supporting the mucosa lining of the gut will support the lungs
Hemp Advantage
- 140mg, twice daily
Resveratrol (
- 100 mg, daily
Note: No longer are we using colloidal silver during Phase 3. It is being replaced with either of the following:
Artemisinin Emulsion
- 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day
Product link:
Artemisia. Sweet wormwood 30:1 extract
2 times a day
Product Link: (
If you cannot get these or cannot afford them do not fear or worry. Our energetic practice in this case can support all aspects of fighting the virus.
Phase 3What Only Sensology Offers: Sensology Basic PracticeViruses are energetic in nature for they interface with spiraling DNA. The Coronavirus hijacks your cell to replicate their protein structures. As you move with your fever, be with the pause of your exhale to aid in sinking in to the abyss while the body destroys the virus. |
Attend class weekly on Mondays @ 7 PM (ET). Link for $7 Payment & Class Signup Form - |
Phase 4: The IL-1Beta Storm
Continue on all Phase 3 supplements.
If medical attention is not needed at this point, utilize a nebulizer with Respiratory Relief by Nature’s Rite (
- Can be used every 4 hours to relieve inflammation from lungs
Phase 4What Only Sensology Offers: Energetic SupportIn this phase, an active practice of these readily learnable energetic positions in the body will support you moving through. |
Attend class weekly on Mondays @ 7 PM (ET). Link for $7 Payment & Class Signup Form - |
NOTE: none of this information is a substitute for medical attention.
If the _1_ appears by supplement information it has been discussed with Jeanne Wallace of Nutritional Solutions and sensed energetically by Kiera D. Laike, IRW.
Link to “COVID-19: Translational Research to Identify Potential Targets for Effective Integrative Medicine Approaches & Self-Care Strategies” by Nutritional Solutions: