Stage 11: Being the Bridge between Earth & Sky

Stage 11 brings a body awareness to one’s soul essence position in human form. As one’s soul essence develops in human form, we become part of the energetic matrix that holds space together. In walking this labyrinth one finds their position within the 3 intersecting triangles, creating a bridge between Earth and Sky.

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Please Note: The 13 Energetic Developmental Stages of Humans are copyrighted: One purchase is copyrighted for one user. 
We encourage the sharing of the 13 Stages. Each person that listens, to be in alignment with copyright, must create their own account and purchase each Stage.

Please Note: The 13 Energetic Developmental Stages of Humans are copyrighted: One purchase is copyrighted for one user. 
We encourage the sharing of the 13 Stages. Each person that listens, to be in alignment with copyright, must create their own account and purchase each Stage.

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Stage 12: Creating With the Raw Energy of the Universe

Once one has mastered the earlier Stages of Human Energetic Development, it is time to learn creation through raw energy. When one tries to create one’s life or health through energy that has already been put into form, it distorts what one can create. It is the difference of being given hand-me-down clothes which one must make the best of versus weaving the fabric fibers from the raw energy and then sewing the clothes. The Soul essence cannot have its magnificence unless it is “weaving its own clothes.” We walk this labyrinth to get free of the sting of Scorpio, the drug that deadens us into saying, “hand-me-down clothes are the same.”

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Stage 13: Journey of One Becoming Two & Two Becoming One

Mastery of this process on a soul essence level, assures one of their connections and purpose in the Galaxy. One’s soul essence forms and then a consciousness awakens. The awakened consciousness then moves and creates a new form. The new form energetically develops and connects back to the soul essence of the first form. Walk this labyrinth and experience your soul essence begin “being one” then “becoming two”, then “becoming one” again through energetic development.

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Stage 10: Earth Journey: Containing & Using Inner Fire

In Stage 10, Earth Journey, one enters the Body Energy State aisles of the labyrinth. Our ability to hold our body energy determines our energetic boundaries. Without energetic boundaries our inner fire cannot be held. One then becomes subject to all energy fields around them, with the end result being ill mental and physical health. Walk Stage 10, learning how to contain and utilize your inner fire to support you in having a strong inner sense of self.

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Stage 09: Meeting the Human Field

Soul consciousness moves from form to form to experience creation. To have complete experience in human form we must experience all feelings. When one’s energetic system is supported through its formed structures in the vortexes, feelings can be fully experienced. Once any feeling can be deeply expressed it does not cause depression, prolonged grief, or the need to manipulate feelings to be ‘ok’. This we call “mastery of emotions”, which is the ability to experience feelings while maintaining a deep connection to all. From this, one’s true purpose emerges. Walk the 29 day labyrinth and begin to possess the mechanism of pure experience.

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