Stage 02: Taking Form & Being Met
A soul essence consciousness, in its pure photon light form, has been met. Once the soul essence creates a human form they then must be met in human form to know who they are. Without this, one feels lost always trying to define who they are by something outside of themselves. It is being met (seen, greeted, etc.) that allows the soul essence to begin its connection to the universe in human form. This stage not occurring as the soul is born in human form is the beginning of most internal struggles in life. These 29 days are set up to meet the listener where they are at through walking this stage on a current life issue.
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A note from Kiera: In the 20 years that I have been using my understanding of Being Met, it has been the most difficult for my clients to understand or when they have not energetically experienced it. The overwhelm and grief is so great that support is needed to stay and receive the soul essence being met. Therefore, it is recommended that this Being Met Stage 02 be walked to facilitate change on a current emotional issue or topic in your life that you want to create change in. This, then, facilitates the first experience of Being Met in a visible way, which is needed to move into deeper levels of being met. Being Met determines the energetic core that the personality forms around. It also ultimately determines our ability to possess an inner self reference.
Please Note: The 13 Energetic Developmental Stages of Humans are copyrighted: One purchase is copyrighted for one user.
We encourage the sharing of the 13 Stages. Each person that listens, to be in alignment with copyright, must create their own account and purchase each Stage.